With thousands of academic writing services competing for business, students can find themselves completely confused about which service to select. Obviously, a student seeking such assistance wants a quality product for the best price possible, but every writing company promises that, of course. How, then, can a student discern the difference between a fraudulent service and an ethical one? DissertationMasters.com has put together a list of characteristics and practices that should be researched before a student orders any academic writing from an online agency. We believe that, once a student checks this list, s/he will understand why DissertationMasters.com is the place that will always provide the highest quality
- We have clear terms and conditions regarding refunds, confidentiality and the customer's right to request as many revisions as necessary until completely satisfied.
- Save extra 10% on each and every order by receiving 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page offered by most of the essay writing websites.
- We deliver plagiarism-free works backed up by a free plagiarism software scan report to prove it! No essay or paper goes to a client until it is checked.
- Only custom-written works, from scratch, according to our customers' detailed specifications
- No extra charges ever - free title pages, table of contents, bibliographies, and revisions!
- We use only native English-speaking writers with qualifying credentials and degrees from Bachelor's through Ph.D.'s
- We maintain a customer service department 24/7/365 and you can contact us by telephone, email or live chat. Our customer support pros can answer any question about your order, discuss any need and provide pricing.
- You can message your writer at any time and s/he will respond quickly with updates and answers to your questions.
- Guaranteed delivery by deadline
The Others
- An unclear "terms and conditions" document if there is one at all. Specifics of guarantees, such as refunds and confidentiality, are vague. Grammatical errors in their site content.
- Deliver plagiarized essays and papers that they find on the Internet - customer subject to severe consequences if the plagiarism is discovered
- Sell the same works over and over again. A simple plagiarism scan by an instructor will catch this.
- Last-minute fees added on for title pages, table of contents and revision requests
- Non-English speaking writers, usually students from foreign countries. Delivered works cannot be submitted without lots of re-writing
- Customer support is almost non-existent except for sporadic emails. You will not ever speak with anyone and questions remain unanswered.
- You cannot communicate with your writer because either there is no writer or your writer is non-English speaking.
- Deadlines are not honored putting students at risk
DissertationMasters.com is proud of its integrity, its quality, and its customer service. We have been the longest running academic writing service because our customers are completely satisfied and return to us again and again. They recommend others to us. We certainly are not the cheapest writing agency nor can we be. Our writers are experts with degrees and years of experience, and we pay them well for original, superior research and writing. Services that offer "bargain basement" prices have "bargain basement" writers. If you are serious about obtaining great grades on your written works, then you cannot take the risk of using a service with low prices but without guarantees and communication. Even worse, is the risk of submitting a plagiarized piece of writing that will be discovered with a simple plagiarism scan, because the penalties are serious. If you want custom, original writing, you want the researchers, writers and QA professionals from DissertationMasters.com!