You are finally ready to start working on your dissertation. You are confident to finish it as immaculate as possible and join the ranks of your scholar colleagues. However, you are going to meet one of the most problematic issues that many of the beginning writers tend to have - creating a title. It is significant to choose the topic that will be both, interesting for you and relevant in the modern scientific world. That is why here are a few most common topics for your dissertation that will save you a lot of time and resources.
Choosing the Topic for the Dissertation
The thesis topic is half of the success of the work. Its choice is a difficult task, especially if you are not quite good at working with the theoretical material. Independent scientific work requires not only great dedication but also a set of certain skills in conducting research and dealing with the methodology. Moreover, there is still much to know to write a dissertation without outside assistance. In this article, you will find a few recommendations that will help in deciding upon the thesis topic of the research regardless of your specialty.
In the old dense and good years, the scientific leaders actively helped their graduate students in the selection of an actual and socially significant topic of research. Today, the scientific supervisor "waits" for ready-made dissertation topics from a graduate student.
Is it correct? Undoubtedly. Why else should you attend the college, if you have nothing to say to science? On the contrary, would it be possible to help the graduate student suggest the direction of the search? Of course, and this is how it should be done.
The cases when your scientific supervisor will provide you with a dissertation topic example are quite rare. This is considered somewhat the first and most important selection criterion, conducted by the department among the graduate students, who in principle can claim for receiving the scholar degree.
Here you need to be very attentive and meticulous. As practice showed, the department can very well fail to approve a thesis topic. You will write "something" for 3 years, actively publish articles on the provided topic, and then get a verdict from your supervisor that the dissertation cannot be defended. There are also instances of forgetting to approve the topic. And again you compose a 3-year dissertation, your supervisor checks it and encourages you to write, and then it turns out that the topic is not approved. You can only imagine your surprise, for example, if you have ordered a dissertation and have already fully paid for it.
In order not to fail your entire writing course, it is essential to get acquainted with the document of the department that approves your topic. Also, try to check the topic for the possibility to be a thesis theme, even if it was offered by your scientific supervisor. After that, you still need to check whether it is relevant, whether you will be able to find some novelty as a result of a theoretical study. Here you can talk only about certain criteria that will allow you to understand how dissertational your topic is.
First, check how many dissertation ideas have already been used on this topic. The more works on the proposed topic are written, the more difficult it will be to provide an increment of the theory - to draw the very theoretical conclusions that will ensure scientific novelty.
Of course, there is a high probability that not all the material have been investigated or new circumstances have arisen that actualize research on this topic (for example, a new law has been adopted that completely changes the legal regulation of certain social relations).
Next, you should always remember about the theory and once again about the theory. If the thesis has nothing new to say, then it is not worthwhile to even begin. If the scientific novelty in the theoretical part is unclear at the stage of developing the research concept, then the situation is unlikely to change. It is advisable to develop a research hypothesis and write the alleged novelty of the dissertation.
Thirdly, evaluate the potential practical part of the work. If the thesis assumes methods, strategies, mechanisms, etc., it is necessary to understand the degree of elaboration of the problem. And then, of course, simply looking through all the "similar" dissertations is not enough. It is necessary to seriously study the available sources and literature: monographs, articles, methodological developments, etc. It should be noted that this requires a fairly laborious analysis. Prepare yourself for the fact that this process will take a very long time. That is why it makes sense to develop a semantic search engine consisting of information requests (your keywords).
After choosing the theme of the master's thesis, you should review the accompanying literature and study it. Then send the agreed topic to the supervisor. It is best to do this in person, not by correspondence, because only in person you will be able to assess the interest in the topic of your supervisor.
In case your supervisor dismisses or approaches your chosen topic formally, you should abandon such scientific supervisor. If the supervisor tries to impose his or her own topic on you, you should understand whether you have made a mistake with the formulation of the chosen theme of the master's thesis. You may be asked to change the topic due to the fact that you do not fully understand the scientific problem, and maybe the person you addressed to is trying to use you for his own personal interests. In any case, you should defend your interests and your point of view, as well as impose the topic that you are most interested in.
These are, in general, the most general recommendations for verifying the thesis of the research topic. The only another piece of advice to be remembered is if someone offers you an "urgent" topic for the thesis, ask him to write a little justification. Your supervisor will help you evaluate the thesis of the proposed topic.
Finally, here are a few most relevant examples of dissertation topics in nowadays scientific world that will perhaps become useful for you when thinking about personal thesis idea.
Possible Dissertation Topics
- Alternative social concepts: post-informational society, creative society, knowledge society.
- Criticism of classical theories of the information society.
- Digital aesthetics in the context of postmodern culture.
- Digital and cognitive inequality as a problem of the formation of the information society.
- Digitalization of education and futuristic forecasts in scientific research and fantastic literature.
- Educational start-ups and formal education: to the question of diversification of educational environments and prospects for the development of the system of education.
- Effect as a key point of virtual culture.
- Electronic music as a phenomenon of virtual culture.
- Features of the organization of the project activity of students in virtual space: methodology and educational potential.
- Forms of alienation of the individual in the information society.
- MEP platforms as a modern model of network interaction of leading world universities in the context of globalization.
- Narrative forms in the structure of computer games.
- Online learning as a response to the challenges of the digital era.
- Online learning in the context of open education and modern informational culture.
- Problems of informatization in narratives of popular culture.
- Problems of informatization in terms of various cultural and anthropological approaches.
- Representation of culture on the Internet.
- Research of communicative processes in the information society.
- Risks of digital education: a change in the learning and learning processes knowledge - tools of the digital era.
- Science and knowledge in the information society: the transformation of functions, modes of production, and transmission.
- Technology and culture in the information society: struggle or co-evolution.
- The economy of the information society: forms of ownership, the specifics of labor, employment problems.
- The educational environment and global education in the digital age.
- The ideology of the information society: a synthesis of the ideas of globalism, liberalism, postmodernism.
- The phenomenon of the information society as an object of philosophical and methodological research.
- The project of "electronic government": foreign experience.
- The role of military technologies in the processes of informatization.
- Theory of Generations and its refraction in the educational system.
- Theory of Generations as the basis of new communicative practices in education.
- Transformation of the landscape of higher education as a response to the challenges of modern times.
- Trends in global education and new opportunities and threats in the digital age.
- Virtuality as an anthropological category.