Definition Essay: Basic Components and Interesting Topics
Here, you can find the answer to the question ‘what is a definition essay?’ and some ideas of how to create it.

What is Coursework? | Definition, Meaning & Key Points!
Writing a coursework can seem to be an intimidating task. However, when you know exactly how to do it, it becomes much easier.

Writing Tips for PhD Students
Want to learn how to write a successful PhD dissertation? Read the article below and follow our guidelines to definitely impress your professor.

Tips on Writing a Perfect Essay Question
A lot of students are eager to know how to answer essay questions in a successful way. Here there are the best recommendations that might be helpful.

30+ Dissertation Topics | Choosing a Topic for Dissertation
You are finally ready to start working on your dissertation. You are confident to finish it as immaculate as possible and join the ranks of your scholar colleagues. However, you are going to meet one of the most problematic issues that many of the beginning writers tend to have - creating a title.

How to Write a Good Abstract
When you are writing the article, you are expecting the audience to devour it straightaway. You are trying to do your best to make your writing as attractive as possible, however, things may turn out to be a bit different than you might think.

How to Write an Effective Discussion Section
Many students keep wondering how to write a discussion section. Thus, it is crucial to outline the core aim of the discussion.

Top 13 Tips for Writing a Dissertation Methodology
What is methodology? It is the doctrine of structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity. The methodology of dissertation is the principles of construction, methods, and forms of organization and cognition of your paper.

All You Should Know About Dissertation
Dissertation is a serious final year project, which requires the student to choose the topic, a method for researching it and to do a thorough research with thought-provoking and actual findings, which could be used to solve the problem, which is analyzed.