The capability to get and retain highly skilled employees is a critical factor to any organization that wants to be successful. As labor force continues to become competitive and available skills become more diverse, human resource managers need to become more selective when choosing a candidate for any post. Poor recruitment processes can result to the long-term negative effects, such as high cost of employee training, employee development costs, poor performance and high turnover that can negatively affect staff morale. As a result of this development, many organizations have turned to e-Recruitment (Sahoo & Sahoo, 2011). Also known as "online recruitment", e-Recruitment has become a trending phenomenon in the organizational quest for talents. Many firms irrespective of their operations are now turning to the internet to advertise for job openings. Potential job seekers or candidates then submit their resumes or CVs through created portals or emails. Through e-Recruitment, organizations have not only been able to cut recruitment costs, but also accrued other benefits, such as time saving, improvement of the organization's image and recruiting from a diverse and talented workforce (Sahoo & Sahoo, 2011).
Suggest how HR professionals can use online recruiting to more effectively support recruitment activities while reducing organizational costs.
For an effective and efficient utilization of e-Recruiting, HR professionals must have comprehensive knowledge of how the whole process works. HR professionals must establish a framework, where they will need to understand the intended and antecedents of the recruitment process (Gueutal & Stone, 2005). While there have been many proposed models, HR professionals can utilize the Ryne's Model. Through this model, HR professionals need to consider four factors: recruiters' characteristics, source characteristics, administrative practices, and policies. In addition to utilizing the Ryne's Model, HR professionals can follow the procedures as set by the Human Resource Management Guide (HRMG).
According to this guide, HR professionals must understand that the power of online recruitment lies in harnessing the internet to not just attract candidates but also deal with them. In so doing, HR professionals must empower time in increasing an online recruitment system that aims at meeting the needs of its users (Gueutal & Stone, 2005). From conducting interviews, receiving resumes and negotiating offers, e-Recruitment has been noted to be the most cost effective process of getting more hires and the best resumes from the interested candidates (Gueutal & Stone, 2005). The average cost of hiring through the internet is very minimal compared to the average cost of traditional hiring. Therefore, to ensure that online recruitment is more effective and supports recruitment activities, while at the same time reducing organizational costs, HR professionals need to utilize more online recruitment software technology to get the best results.
Recommend four (4) strategies to mitigate the unintended consequences associated with e-Recruiting.
Successful mitigation of the unwarranted consequence that comes with e-Recruiting will first require job seekers or potential candidates to be aware of the potential risk involved in submitting personal information through an online forum. However, when applying for a job online, it is important to verify the validity of online job advertisement. It is good to check out the said job openings on the real company's website. There are agents who claim to recruit employees on behalf of other companies. Therefore, it is good to ascertain the origin of job advertising email before opening it. Some job advertisers will require the candidate to send his or her resume either in PDF or word format. It will thus be good for anyone applying for a job to consider format in which to send the CV. Sending a resume in PDF format will make it hard for any third part to edit it. Although it does not protect the information contained, sending a resume in a format that cannot be edited is safer than sending it in a format that can be edited with ease. For a job applicant, it is highly important to check if a job advertiser is asking for any fees. Genuine job advertiser will not charge any fee for whatsoever reason. It will thus be good for a job applicant not to apply for such a job if the recruiter asks for a prescribed fee. Since there are a lot of applications made online, it is possible for the organizations' staff to get overwhelmed and thus some applications may be overlooked. In such a situation, the applicant should try to send up the follow-up emails constantly (Gueutal & Stone, 2005).

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Propose one (1) approach, in which online recruitment can help ensure the employee's psychological contracts are fulfilled.
Organizational psychology can be used to ensure that employees' psychological contracts are addressed. Recruitment adjustment at various strategic levels may include enhancing of candidate communication, the development of talent sequence planning, optimization of recruitment channels, re-evaluation of existing interviewing processes and implementation of modern recruitment technology (DelCampo, 2011). In most cases, it is challenging for interviews to gain the employer needs and excite prospective employees about working in the organization. However, if organizational psychology is applied, it will help in formulating the correct questions and organizing an effective interview. The principles of organizational psychology will help the recruiting organization focus the interview on personality strengths needed for a given team and at the same time will help in avoiding questions that may suggest stereotyping. For example, in case the recruitment needs some employees to help sell trendy clothing aimed at teens, it will be good to hire people who will blend easily with the teens. If an old man happens to apply for a job, it is important to determine if he will connect with customers without showing any sign of discrimination based on age. Recruitment process goes beyond identifying potential employees to encompass offering them an attractive employment (DelCampo, 2011). Although small organizations may not be in a position to offer extensive benefits to employees like big corporations, they can, however, offer valuable incentives. Organizational psychology will thus try to identify, which perks are important to the different types of employees and apply them to entice employees to ensure their psychological contracts are fulfilled.
Suggest three (3) strategies you would use to attract high-quality candidates and members of diverse groups using an e-Recruitment approach.
As an online recruiter, there is a chance of getting the best candidate for any job opening because e-Rrecruitment has resources to locate the best candidate using suitable internet-based tools (Sahoo & Sahoo, 2011). However, it will be important to consider three important things to attract high-quality candidates. An element of online recruitment process that is often neglected is the ad copy. A hurriedly prepared copy cannot generate the desired results. It negatively affects chances of attracting the right candidates. However, a well-formulated copy will draw high-quality candidates from the diverse or wide field. E-Recruitment will also not be able to attract high-quality candidates if it cannot connect with the intended public. However, effective interaction with the public calls for designing of a compelling website that is simple, short, and understandable. The third strategy to attract high-quality candidates can be achieved through motivation. Every manager or leader should ensure that all employees remain motivated regardless of their job designation (Sahoo & Sahoo, 2011).
Take a stand on whether or not the attributes of a Website (attractiveness, quality, and ease of use) would affect your motivation to apply for a job at that company. Justify your position with specific examples from two (2) business Websites that you are familiar with.
An eye catching website communicates a lot about the company, and it becomes an important tool to develop or market the company online. As the internet is visited by numerous viewers each day, the company stands a chance of showcasing what it is about, its products or service, pros, aptitude, expertise, and potential. When the viewers visit the company's website, they will have an idea of services and products offered. The website can also act as a two-way communication, where a visitor learns about the organization, while, on the other hand, the company gets feedback from the visitor. It is through such communication that a company will improve on the areas of weaknesses and maximize on its strengths, as reported by visitors. Therefore, an attractive, easy to use and quality website will compel me to apply for a job. The Belle of Baton Rouge Casino and Hollywood Casino are two outstanding websites. The two websites have leveled the playing field when playing with each other and because of their stylish design I am compelled to apply for the post.
Propose four (4) security controls you would put into place to prevent unauthorized access to data and unauthorized disclosure of data when using e-Recruiting systems.
To securely prevent access of data when using e-Recruitment, it is advisable to keep password and user name in a safe place (Doyle, 2009). In addition to this, one should change his or her password regularly at least once in a month. One should also avoid leaving his or her PC unattended because someone can download things to start a virus. Having a security question can also increase safety when using e-Recruitment systems. One should think of a question and answer that is hard for others to guess (Doyle, 2009).
Online recruitment or e-Recruitment will continue to be the most-preferred choice of recruiting a fresh, talented and high-quality employee. It has helped organizations in getting high-quality employees and at the same time assisted in cutting down costs involved in employee selection, training, and development. However, HR professionals will need to understand the dynamics involved in online employee recruitment.
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