Hello, my name is Bruce and I am inventor and entrepreneur. Recently, I have completed formulating the product that I think your company will benefit from greatly by adding to its inventory. I have just finished testing my final prototype, and the results are prospective. I have created an innovative folding chair of which many people had dreamt but thought it is too complicated to produce. However, I have used innovative techniques and materials to create a folding chair that is very convenient, compact and light, but firm at the same time. I will elaborate more, but to keep it simple, this chair may look similarly to common folding chairs, but it is much lighter, dense and suitable because it is made of innovative materials. It should be natural that demand for this product is wide reaching and will grow quickly over time.
Product Details
My invention, which has the working name “Easy Sit”, is a folding chair developed for different purposes. Unlike traditional folding chairs for tourists and fishers, it is almost impossible to be broken. This chair is made of innovative carbon materials and with the use of newest technologies. Thus, it allows making it very firm and shockproof. Moreover, such materials are light, and the chair is much lighter than traditional chairs made of aluminum of other metal alloys. Its weight is about 0.3-0.4 kg, and even kids can carry it. Innovative technologies used to produce this chair allow making it very compact as it folds several times. Thus, Easy Sit can be carried in any city bag or backpack of medium size. Innovative materials are not toxic, and it is possible to store the chair at home. The chair is firm, and it is possible to sit on it without any damages for people with weight up to 200 kg. One more advantage of Easy Sit is that it can be easily adapted to different heights. Our tests showed that this chair is convenient for both children of height 90 cm and more (from about two years old) and adults with height up to 1.95 m. Thus, Easy Sit is beneficial because of its safety, reliability, and overall convenience.
As it was mentioned, Easy Sit is made of only innovative materials that are very reliable and can be stored without losing their quality for 50 years and more. To guarantee complete reliability to customers, this chair should have a guaranteed shelf life of up to 30 years (nevertheless, it can be used much longer). The price of manufacturing one chair is expected to be about $25, and its market retail price will be about $50. This price will allow covering all expenses related to product development, as it was quite expensive because of innovative materials and technologies. Later, two or three months after entering the market, the price can be lowered to attract more customers who previously considered this product too expensive.
Legal Issues
Some issues may occur with the production and sales of this new product. The main issues are related to the intellectual property, because Easy Sit is constructed of innovative materials and implements some new technologies. Particular technologies were developed by myself, and they are already patented. Some technologies and materials were patented by other individuals and companies, and I purchased them to produce this chair. It does not seem that legal issues occur currently. However, they may occur in the future because of changes in international laws, as some technologies were bought from Japanese companies. Thus, I promise to watch possible changes in laws and other issues to prevent possible legal issues with Easy Sit if your company agrees to produce it.

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Marketing and Contracts
I have contacted ABC because I see your company as the prospective producer of modern and innovative furniture for both domestic market and export. It is also a positive coincidence that your facilities are based in Tempe. Interestingly, I visit Tempe almost every month as I have distant work there. I think it would be beneficial for us to create the agreement where your company will produce Easy Sit and offer it for sales in both local and national markets, with the future plans to offer it in the foreign market of developed countries, such as the EU countries, Japan, and Canada. As I know, you also have your own store in Tempe, as well as in other large cities of Arizona. Thus, it will be possible to sell Easy Sit in your stores to save costs and attract customers easier.
I truly believe that my product works well, because tests proved that. It is more convenient and reliable compared to competitive products. Nevertheless, to avoid any unpredictable issues, we can set customer warranty and guarantee it. It is also possible to set a customer support phone number to cope with any issue and questions.
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Demand for Product
I think that your company will find it beneficial to produce my product and sell it in its stores, as well as to other retailers. The product promises to be demanded by different categories of people, and the revenues from it will be reasonable. Easy Sit is a universal product that is expected to be demanded by many groups of customers. It is a fact that many people suffer from being unable to sit and relax wherever they want, and Easy Sit is a real solution for them. The first large group of potential buyers includes fishers and people who like camping. Sitting on Easy Sit is much more convenient than sitting just on ground or grass. Moreover, this chair is compact and light, and even several chairs at once can be taken into a car or in a standard tourist backpack. As they are firm and reliable, it is convenient to use them in the out-of-doors. The second group of customers includes people with disabilities or diseases that require a person to sit more, as well as other people who cannot stand for a long time, like old people, pregnant women or children. The third group of customers includes common people who need a convenient folding chair for home and out of home. For example, it can be used in parks or shopping centers when they are crowded. It is not surprising that with the growing urbanization, public places become more crowded, especially on weekends. It is hard to find a place to sit, and Easy Sit can become a good solution. It can also be used at home, for instance, for guests, or for working in a garage or in a garden, as it is more convenient than common chairs. After the U.S. market is taken, it will be possible to focus on foreign markets, especially the market of developing countries where most customers can afford buying Easy Sit. Thus, the target market promises to be very large.

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Concluding Thoughts
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned points, the production and selling of Easy Sit can provide good opportunities for ABC Company. If your company agrees for this deal, it will be a great benefit for you and the society. I believe that ABC will be able to realize my project on the highest level. Therefore, I ask ABC to make the right decision and be a part of this great innovation for the society.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely, Bruce