The business world consists of many outlets, and each requires a specific consideration and attention. The intricate relationship between staff and the employer makes an organization successful and prone to change. There are five important steps that the leader of the organization should take in order to make it effective, namely "reviewing plans and goals, determining work activities, classifying and grouping activities, assigning work and delegating authority, and designing a hierarchy of relationships" (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Reviewing Plans and Goals
The first thing that the company does is reviews its plans and goals. In fact, this determines the whole outlook and future of the company. In order for this to work, the plans must be realistic and within reach. As a result, this will allow the company to develop and provide a steady salary for the employer and their employees. The goals will provide the framework for the organizational processes as departments will be structured according to the needs of a business movement. The second point is the determination of the work activities, which is rather important because it allows one to differentiate departments and provide positions for people. Thus, when the specific activities are determined, people can choose the ones they are most skilled at, thus allowing an organization to flow and the staff to be mutually interdependent. In fact, this is where it would be necessary to conduct interviews because it is the most common way to see what people are good at. Moreover, it will create an opportunity for the company to see if the potential employee is really interested. Talking about the type of the interview, a psychological interview is the most suitable one. The reason is that the employers are able to look deep into the plans and goals of a person. Hereby, if it is a person who cooperates perfectly with people and the majority of customers come from the public, then a psychological assessment will determine if the employee is able to work well with others or is an isolated worker. It is worth mentioning that the activities differ because some of them are very general and those that are very specific will require unique qualities (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Determining Work Activities, Classifying and Grouping Activities
The next step in organizing a company is the classification of activities. In fact, this is where authority of the employee and the management team are extremely important. It is crucial to separate one department from another, while the employer and supervisors will have to be able to communicate with their employees and authority will play a major role. Sometimes, employees might not take some parts of management serious, which will lead to the whole system suffering. Thus, a problem in one department will inevitably lead to a problem in the interdependent one. Apparently, people who are organizing a company will be the ones who are classifying activities according to the goals of the business. As a result, this will cause the adjustment of daily activities and grouping ones that are in a relationship.
Assigning Work and Delegating Authority
The next step in the organizational process is the assignment of work and delegation of authority. It is where a manager will have to form and analyze the general picture. It is vital to know the strengths and weaknesses of each employee so that a transfer between departments can be made within the smallest amount of time. Thus, if someone is unable to perform their duties, an effective manager will change their position, using their authority in the most effective way. In this case, it does not have to be a rude and rush way of delegating employees as no one likes to be degraded and rudely treated. The level of authority is important because it might corrupt a person so the way authority is used means a lot (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Designing a Hierarchy of Relationships
When designing a hierarchy of relationships, an effective manager will have to determine which departments work best together and which ones need to work separately. Apparently, a lot depends on the positions people hold so there is a possibility that some departments or groups of employees will be above others. In case an organization needs to make changes, the process must be delicate and gradual as people often see change as a bad thing. Usually people are afraid of change and do anything to keep everything as it was before. However, the time and the company are moving forward, and conditions are changing. Consequently, those who cannot adapt and move on are left behind. Such people will only have two choices, namely to realize that change is inevitable and much needed or to stay the same and be forgotten or left behind. It is worth noting that changes must be made according to the outside environment as well as the internal processes inside each person and the company. The thing is that people will always feel inconvenient due to the environmental changes and conditions that regulate companies and social norms. Thus, a person not willing to change will slowly die inside and their confidence will decrease, which is the worst thing for the organization, so that no one will be able to rely on that person. Moreover, the same can be said about self-respect and negative personal influences. Therefore, in case the need for change is required and someone refuses to accept it and adjust to new conditions, it will be a significant fallback for the person, the company and the society.
IBM Example
A good example of the company which implemented change is IBM. IBM is a world-famous organization that has seen rough times but managed to adjust to the world and the economy. Some changes took place several years ago, but the major one was accomplished through innovation and is rather recent. In fact, the general adjustments that took place formed a more environment-oriented approach that led to lowering costs, increasing the role of stakeholders and a more customer-oriented work technique. The CEOs have also changed some aspects of the management that would provide a shift from hardware to software focus. Furthermore, the technologies were upgraded that made work more efficient and much faster. A need to change was significantly impacted by the culture and the public demands. Thus, the new technology that gets improved very often dictates how the company will work within its own culture as well as with the public. IBM is a worldwide company, and sometimes, it is difficult to keep track of all locations. Hereby, one of the strategic advances that were made is related to changing the consulting practice and connection between locations. As a result, the major focus has turned to people and interaction with the public. As customers will often return to the same organization if the products and services are reliable and of high quality, it was wise for IBM to pay special attention to the way the business is conducted. The international success has proved that people are expecting great service and IBM recognized this by increasing the number of employees responsible for customer relations. "With nearly 3,500 strategy professionals worldwide, the IBM strategy and change practice is part of IBM Global Business Services," and this increases the quality of services accordingly (Organization Change Strategy, 2011). As there is intense competition in the modern world, the changes that IBM makes have to be quick. While the adjustment of production has lowered costs and heightened quality, making it more environment friendly, the changes to the services and workforce greatly added to the company's success.
To conclude, the aim of any organization is to develop and thrive. In order to achieve success and flourish, a leader should take into consideration such organizational processes as the formation of plans and aims, determination of business activities, categorization of activities, appointment of employees to perform tasks and hold power, and establishment of a hierarchy of interrelationship.
Organization Change Strategy. (2011). IBM. Retrieved from http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/en/business-services/organization-change-strategy.html
Plunkett, W. R., Allen, G. S., & Attner, R. F. (2013). Management: Meeting and exceeding customer expectations (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.